Code of Conduct of Pharmaserv Logistics as part of the Infrareal Group
Acting responsibly and lawfully is one of the basic prerequisites for our entrepreneurial success.
The entire management sets high standards for itself and for each and every one of our employees. This is an integral part of our corporate culture and forms the basis for the trust that clients, business partners and the public place in us.
The reputation of the Infrareal Group, which we earn with great commitment every day, can already be damaged by individual violations of the law. Therefore, every individual is obliged to behave responsibly and comply with applicable law.
We are aware that with the increasing requirements in business life and due to the multitude and complexity of legal regulations, the risk of legal violations increases. Therefore, we as the management of the Infrareal Group have adopted the following Code of Conduct. This code applies to all locations and companies of the Infrareal Group. It is intended to help you identify legal risks and avoid legal violations.
In doing so, you will make an indispensable contribution to the success of the Infrareal Group today and in the future. Because every single employee counts.
Your management of Infrareal Holding GmbH & Co. KG and Pharmaserv GmbH